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Office of
Innovative Instruction

1752 Twin Towers East
205 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive SE
Atlanta, GA 30334
 (404) 657-9963
 (404) 463-0441

Debbie Gay
Director, Special Education Services and Supports

1870 Twin Towers East
205 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive SE
Atlanta, GA 30334
 (404) 656-3963
 (404) 651-6457

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State Education Rules

Georgia’s Disproportionality Stakeholder Committee 2010 - 2011 School Year

The Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) is required by the reauthorized Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to make determinations for disproportionality and provide for a review of the policies, procedures and practices to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Act. The State provides this review of policies, procedures and practices by administering a Self Assessment Monitoring Protocol to targeted districts. Disproportionality is a comprehensive construct that requires determinations for several different categories: 1) Significant Disproportionality, 2) Disproportionate Representation, and 3) Significant Discrepancy.

Although stakeholders shared feedback with the GaDOE about supervision of this requirement, there was not a formal process by which stakeholders could suggest recommendations and/or pose concerns. During 2010 - 2011, the GaDOE convened a group of stakeholders to serve in an advisory capacity to formally discuss the State’s supervision of disproportionality, which would ultimately help Georgia to eliminate disproportionality and ensure compliance of federal regulations.

Four stakeholder committee meetings were held during the year: (1) September 14 – 15, 2010; (2) November 16, 2010; (3) January 19, 2011; and (4) March 15, 2011. The GaDOE clearly outlined specific goals, objectives and possible next steps for each session, which included the following:

  1. Reviewed the State’s criteria for the determination of disproportionality;
  2. Discussed root causes for disproportionality;
  3. Reviewed and revised Georgia’s Self Assessment Monitoring Protocol; and
  4. Identified the most appropriate professional learning and technical assistance needed for local districts to decrease disproportionate data and address noncompliance.

Committee members received professional learning during stakeholder meetings to acquire the appropriate background and content necessary to serve in an advisory role to the GaDOE. Ultimately, the stakeholders advised the State of necessary revisions to state-level policies, procedures, and practices for supervision of this requirement. The invited stakeholders represented various organizations and entities throughout the state such as GaDOE personnel, district personnel, school personnel, parent, parent advocate, community service provider, and university/college personnel.

Disproportionality Stakeholder Meeting Information